English to Serbian Meaning of mean - значити

Mean :

просек, значити, изградити, савијање колена, утврђење, средњи, у, средина, центар, размак, возило, оруђе, уређај, машина, апарат, мотор

значити, одвратан, простачки, низак, тричав, шугав, средњи, посредник, центрични, шокантан, проклет, гнусан, проклети, занемарљив, мало, мали, сиромашан, ноша, безначајан, десет центи, достојан презира, мрзак, језив, презрен, лош, прљав, други, јаван, централни, унутрашњост, просек, инфериоран, лоше, басеборн, ловборн, плебејац, злочинац, зао, база, бобичав, нижи, млађи, подређени, оборен поглед, неспретан, ружан, зверски, јефтин, утучен, неважан, бестежински, слабашно, небитан, јадан, баналан, уобичајен, вулгаран, природни, физички, минијатура, ситан, спретан, осиромашен, без пара, неповлашћен, осредњи, светло, обичан, приземан, кратак, сићушан, у нереду, прекршај, срамотан, непоуздан, сврха, циљ, Намеравам, ум, мислити, жеља, смисао, подразумевати, означити, изложити, тумачити, означавати, директан, односити се, прописати, увести, указати, доказ, предговор, премиса, обележити, идентификовати, именовати, доделити, населити, план, планирати, бек, шема, распоред, давати, обавестити, упознати, пренети, доследност, корелација, сагласност, трећеразредни

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Definitions of mean in English
Noun(1) an average of n numbers computed by adding some function of the numbers and dividing by some function of n
Verb(1) mean or intend to express or convey(2) have as a logical consequence(3) denote or connote(4) have in mind as a purpose(5) have a specified degree of importance(6) intend to refer to(7) destine or designate for a certain purpose
Adjective(1) approximating the statistical norm or average or expected value(2) characterized by malice(3) having or showing an ignoble lack of honor or morality(4) excellent(5) marked by poverty befitting a beggar(6) (used of persons or behavior(7) (used of sums of money(8) of no value or worth
Examples of mean in English
(1) he didn't mean anything by it(2) That was probably why he had been so horribly mean to Conner in his room earlier.(3) Sows housed in pens and stalls had similar mean values across all measures with each analysis that was used.(4) do you mean me?(5) I don't know what you mean(6) She was a woman of mean understanding, little information, and uncertain temper.(7) The median is a more conservative estimate of WTP than the mean , since it gives less weight to extreme observations on the high side.(8) coal stoves mean a lot of smoke(9) that will mean the closure of small shops(10) Such conditions produce overdispersion, wherein the variance exceeds the mean .(11) he was mean to her(12) It was mean to laugh at her when she went but I didn't care.(13) That is expected to mean a license fee of just shy of Ôö¼├║200 early next decade once inflation is taken into account.(14) I hope the other children aren't being mean to her.(15) a mean little house(16) There are two ways to calculate WTP from the estimated logistic function: its mean and its median.
Related Phrases of mean
(1) mean person ::
значи лице
(2) mean to ::
(3) mean value ::
средња вредност
(4) a mean ::
(5) in the mean time ::
у међувремену
1. unkind ::
2. miserly ::
3. inferior ::
4. lowly ::
5. average ::
8. beggarly ::
9. hateful ::
10. mingy ::
11. middle course ::
средњи курс
12. mean value ::
средња вредност
13. signify ::
14. intend ::
15. entail ::
16. matter ::
17. presage ::
18. think of ::
мислити о
19. imply ::
20. think ::
Different Forms
mean, meaner, meanest, meanies, meaning, meanings, meanly, meanness, meany
Word Example from TV Shows
What do you mean, mantle?
You mean like Mickey?

What do you MEAN, mantle? You MEAN like Mickey?

Breaking Bad Season 2, Episode 9

I mean, I-I'm not trying
to be a Groomzilla,

I MEAN, I-I'm not trying to be a Groomzilla,

The Big Bang Theory Season 12, Episode 12

Oh. Well,
that doesn't mean anything.

Oh. Well, that doesn't MEAN anything.

The Big Bang Theory Season 12, Episode 21

Heh. I mean, look at me.

Heh. I MEAN, look at me.

The Big Bang Theory Season 6, Episode 18

Oh. That's so sweet.
I mean, look at you, you are gorgeous.

Oh. That's so sweet. I MEAN, look at you, you are gorgeous.

The Big Bang Theory Season 8, Episode 4

English to Serbian Dictionary: mean

Meaning and definitions of mean, translation in Serbian language for mean with similar and opposite words. Also find spoken pronunciation of mean in Serbian and in English language.

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